Luigi Palmieri

I am a group leader and research scientist at Robert Bosch GmbH Corporate Research, where I work on artificial intelligence methods that enable autonomous agents, such as autonomous driving cars and robots, to learn and generate complex behaviors.

I earned my PhD with focus on robot planning, control and learning at Uni Freiburg, Social Robotics Laboratory. I obtained my Master and Bachelor degrees in computer engineering at the Università degli Studi della Campania, Luigi Vanvitelli.

Research Interests

My wish is to commit and to contribute to the technological, social and economical progress of our society, by developing novel AI and robotics technologies that can improve and be integral part of our daily life.

In particular, I am interested in developing AI algorithms for smart autonomous decision making under uncertainty for single and multi-agent systems, such as: human behavior, activitiy and motion prediction, also using vision-language models; behavior learning in dynamic environments, reinforcement learning, hybrid systems of learning-planning-control.

Academic Service

I’m a co-organizer of the Long-term Human Motion Prediction series of workshops, organizer and associate editor of the Special Issue on Long-term Human Motion Prediction on the IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, served as associate editor for ICRA and PC/reviewer for: ICRA, IROS, RA-L, TRO, AAAI, and various ML/AI workshops.


May 17, 2024 A lot of interesting discussions during our workshop LHMP at ICRA 2024. I had also the opportunity to present our recent works on context-aware robot navigation at the workshop on Supervised autonomy: how to shape human-robot interaction from the body to the brain!!
Mar 15, 2024 I had the pleasure to talk about our recent works on context-aware robot navigation at the workshop on Cooperative Autonomous Robots in Research and Industry at the European Robotics Forum 2024!!
Oct 30, 2023 We enjoyed the discussions at IROS 2023 about our latest research projects! Our novel approaches on semantic-aware navigation, multi-modal model predictive control and human-aware task and behavior planning got quite positive feedback. Fore more details check the publications section.

selected publications

  1. Human motion trajectory prediction: A survey
    Rudenko, Andrey, Palmieri, Luigi, Herman, Michael, Kitani, Kris M, Gavrila, Dariu M, and Arras, Kai O
    The International Journal of Robotics Research 2020
  2. Distance metric learning for RRT-based motion planning with constant-time inference
    Palmieri, Luigi, and Arras, Kai O
    In 2015 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 2015
  3. Dispertio: Optimal sampling for safe deterministic motion planning
    Palmieri, Luigi, Bruns, Leonard, Meurer, Michael, and Arras, Kai O
    IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 2019